Friday, September 26, 2008

Prone to Penility

In the spirit of progress and political correctness I will no longer consider myself to be insensitive...I am "differently-sensitive", that's all. I am differently-sensitive and differently-sympathetic to the plight of the differently-labeled. I can muster respect, admiration, consideration, and sympathy for people, but I am utterly incapable of considering in any positive light the evangelical zeal with which political correctness diminishes and distances people from their respective challenges.

Much the same way the terms prejudice and discrimination have been subverted into synonyms for bigotry and various -isms, the terminology for disability has been restructured to insure that people's feelings are regarded as more important than the material, the practical, or the functional aspects of their situation. The label can not personify a person, nor can it be used in a vacuum. It requires qualification; "Margaret is a person with a disability", not "Margaret is disabled". They are all "persons with disabilities / differing abilitities / ability distinction", etc, ad nauseum, not "the disabled, the different, or the distinct".

By pointing out the inane, juvenile, attention-whoring, guilt-stroking, self-depricating, victimhood-validating euphamistic bullshit terminology, I am undoubtedly the bad guy...but I can live with it. Weak language and a lack of self respect is why so much progress has been made on the front of discussing disability, and so little progress has been made on addressing disabilites.

I'm not an insensitive dick; I'm a person of different-sensitivity who is prone to penility, and if that's a mouthful, people can choke on it.

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